Friday, 5 April 2019

Scrambled breakfast

Scrambled eggs must never be cooked at a high temperature; otherwise the eggs turn dry and crumbly.

Basic scrambled eggs are made from two eggs to which 25ml of milk or water has been added and seasoning. Whisk with a fork to mix the whites and yolks. Heat 10ml of butter in a pan until it sizzles and bubbles and add the egg mixture. When the mixture starts to congeal, stir lightly with an egg-lifter. Do not stir continuously. Cook until the mixture is firm but not dry.


Cook scrambled eggs over the low heat.

Remove the pan from the heat while the scrambled eggs are still moist, as the heat retained in the eggs will set them even further. At this stage a dash of milk can be added to halt the setting process and keep the eggs moist.

When scrambled eggs are already too dry, a raw beaten egg can be stirred into the set egg mixture.


Tuesday, 5 February 2019

Cauliflower Salad

(Pic and recipe from FaceBook. Original Source Unknown)

I love potato salad... but all those carbs! So here's a low carb potato salad / with cauliflower instead .... It is SOOOO good!

1 head of cauliflower steamed or boiled until tender in bite size pieces

6 boiled eggs (when done peel eggs, rinse and separate yokes into a bowl.
Then mash the yolk and cut the whites into small bite size pieces  and then blend together.

1/3 cup (appx) miracle whip or mayonnaise (don't use light, it has more carbs)

3 tbs of mustard

3 tbs of pickle relish

1/8 cup of chopped onion (uncooked) can use more if you prefer

salt/pepper to taste

Mix all together and you can garnish with egg slices and parsley.

Chill over night.

(1 cup of cauliflower is only 3 carbs vs 1 cup of potato is 37 carbs)

Saturday, 2 February 2019

Potato salad with Sour Cream & Chives


1.5 kg potatoes
2 x 175g Sour Cream & Chives Dip & Top
5 ml whole grain mustard
5 ml Dijon mustard
1 shallot, finely chopped
30 ml Sour Cream
40 ml chives, chopped
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste


Place potatoes, with their skins on, in a large pot and cover with water. 

Bring to the boil. Simmer for 15 minutes until just tender. 

Drain potatoes in a colander and place the colander on top of the hot pot, covering the potatoes with a clean dish cloth. Allow the potatoes to steam for 20 minutes. Leave to cool. 

When the potatoes are cool enough to handle, rub off the skins and chop into small cubes. In a large mixing bowl add the Sour Cream & Chives Dip & Top, whole grain and Dijon mustard, chopped shallot, Sour Cream and salt and pepper. 

Mix until fully combined. 

Add the potatoes, gently mixing them in using a large spatula until they are well covered with the dressing. Spoon into a large serving dish and top with freshly chopped chives.

Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Cucumber Cooler

Have you ever noticed how adding a few slices of cucumber to a glass of water instantly makes it 10 times more refreshing?

  1. Add mint, lime, gin, and sugar (if using) to shaker and muddle.
  2. Add cucumber slices to shaker and shake vigorously.
  3. Pour mixture over glass filled with ice and top with tonic water.
  4. Stir, let set for a few minutes for the flavors to enhance and enjoy.
You can replace the Gin with Lemonade or any other flavour of your choice.

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